The iPhone is going to change Apple. But it is going to be an unwelcomed change. Mobile (cell) phone users are a bit different than the traditional Mac user.
If Apple officially opens the iPhone system, then the bad guys (virus writers) will come in the door with the good guys. If Apple keeps the iPhone system closed, then users will continue to jail-break the iPhone to make it more useful and personal.
I am ready for a Windows Mobile vs iPhone commercial.
Security firms cannot protect the iPhone from threats | IT PRO.
The security firm F-Secure has said that it would like to secure the iPhone from mobile security threats, but cannot due to the closed-off nature of the system.
The firm already offers security technology for mobile phones with Symbian and Windows Mobile systems, and in the future will offer protection for Android.
F-Secure chief research officer Mikko Hypponen said that people have asked for iPhone protection before, but it can't be developed.
“None of the existing anti-virus vendors can make one, without help from Apple," he said.
“Apple hasn’t been too interested in developing anti-virus solutions for the iPhone, because there are no viruses, which of course, isn’t exactly true.”
He said that recent worm outbreaks targeted jail-broken iPhones, and Apple wasn’t interested in protecting these, as it didn’t approve of jail-breaking to begin with.
“So our recommendation is to avoid jail-broken phones, because it will weaken the security of a phone, whether the iPhone or any other device,” he said.